
Monday, March 11, 2013

The Truth Is

Rapid number style:

1. Sometimes I stage our seemingly spontaneous photos that I post on facebook. Sure, the event actually happened. I just got my phone out too slow so I made them repose to get the just right pic.

2. Sometimes I let the kids fix their own dinner while I am trying desperately to sooth a crying baby.

3. Sometimes I would prefer to be alone, all alone, for a few minutes so I bribe the kids to play something alone.

4. Those neat pics I posted on facebook of us playing Candy Land and Monopoly so nicely? Yeah, we did actually play (quite a few different games a few times) but it was exhausting! Baby on lap grabbing everything and screaming, oldest upset because middles are not comprehending, one getting grumpy cause she couldn't go first, one getting grumpy cause the world is out to get her and no one loves her near as much as everyone else. Then the constant narration to keep them all in check long enough to get through said game.

5. I have zero time to myself. If I sit down for a minute on my own, someone in my family needs me and they honestly and truly believe that if they call my name (yes, even my husband) that I need to stop what I am doing and tend to them. Every single time.

6. My children sit in the bathroom with me and talk to me when I shower or use the facility. Pretty much every single time. (Just the middles and little).

7. I have turned on a cartoon in hopes of the baby liking it and sitting still for 5 minutes so I can gather my strength to continue.

8. I love fast food. Like, could eat it for every meal love. I would love to get all healthy but I am scared of the work to put into it and scared of not liking it. The image of the fights at mealtimes is scary!

9. I hate the snow so much and was glad I had the baby as an excuse to not play in it this year with the kids yet I truly missed being able to build a snowman with them.

10. Despite being needed by so many, I still feel unloved and unwanted sometimes.

The truth is I adore my life to the fullest. I try take all the bad and good and struggles and events with a smile on my face. I have never been happier.  The truth is I was meant to be a mom and wife and am living my calling. I choose to focus on the joy all around me and push the negative away.

I was inspired to write this after reading a few other posts about being honest online. It is hard to be honest sometimes. It is easy to fall into the comparison of yourself to others but not healthy.  We all need a reminder that everyone has rough moments, not just you.

1 comment:

  1. Our online selves can give a false impression can't they! We are all imperfect and doing our best each day. Thanks for being so honest. :)
