
Monday, April 15, 2013

{My Little Nursling}

 This little man spends most of his life in my arms

eating away,
playing in my lap,

exploring his surroundings,

chewing on my necklace,

and getting some much needed rest.
I just have to capture this part of the normal, every day life.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Ainzley's hair is wild and unruly and frizzy like mine. Drives us both nuts! So I decided to straighten her hair with mine. We both loved it!  Isn't she just too cute?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ring Around The Baby

pockets full of daisies

Ashes, Ashes

We all fall down
{Dax is in my arms most of the day. He helps me do all my chores. I can only wear the sling/moby so much. So, this is how he helped me do my laundry the other day. The girls cannot get enough of his cute squishy baby self and think all things Dax are funny. They couldn't resist to play a little with him in here}