
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thoughts on weaning my 3-year-old

Dax had his last drop of breast milk the day he turned 3 years old.

He has slowly been limiting his nursing sessions and I was just done. We were down to nursing before nap and bed and maybe in the middle of the night here and there.

I always said 2 years old was my nursing limit. I didn't think I could handle nursing any longer. Dax's second birthday came and went and we didn't even discuss weaning him. He was too dependent on the milk. I felt bad because he was facing all these food allergies and sensitivities. I wanted to make sure he was getting the right nourishment and comfort her needed.

I gave him a countdown and warned him he would be done with milk after he turned 3. He would repeat it back and we would talk about it.

I know people have mixed emotions about nursing all together. Some say 3 is too old to nurse anyway. Some say nurse longer, to 5 maybe.

I just did what felt right to our family. It seemed to fit to let him nurse until he was 3.

My husband and I prepared for some rough nights. I figured nap was out the window.

I have been a bit surprised. 

The first day we didn't nurse for nap was the day after he turned 3. We had the house to ourselves. He cried for a little bit to nurse but I reminded him we can't nurse anymore. He loves to touch my skin as he sleeps so I offered him cuddles and skin to skin. He tossed and turned a bit more than usual (although not much, kid never stays still for more than a minute). Then he drifted off into a sweet nap.

Bedtime was similar. I almost caved at nap time and bed time that day but felt this was right for us.

He slept so soundly that first night without milk, well after he toddled his way back to my bed shortly after falling asleep and felt my skin to sooth himself back to sleep. One step at a time, I guess. He can sleep in my bed for a bit longer if it makes him feel safer.

I feel sad that I never snapped a last nursing pic. He sure loved to nurse and talk about his nursing.

He still has a few food allergies/intolerances, though we have successfully introduced a few foods back into his diet with no problem. We now face a new normal. I have to figure out how to get him to sleep without nursing on my work nights. I have to figure out when I feel safe enough to introduce the foods back into my system since I don't have to avoid anything due to nursing him. I have to figure out how to teach him that I may be able to eat something that isn't safe for him after he and I sharing the same diet for so long.

I'm ready. I think he is ready. He didn't even ask to nurse today, third day of weaning. He just snuggled me. He did skip his nap but he sometimes skipped it even with the milkies. :)

I feel like he is sleeping more soundly (as long as he is near me) than when he nursed. It is hard letting go with him being my last baby, of course. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Three Daring Years of Dax

I just cannot get enough of this sweet smile. Dax is looking so big lately. I absolutely love watching him grow and learn. I say it with each kid but I'll say it again. I'm so blessed to get a front row seat to this little man's life. So blessed. He so much fun to be around.
Dax loved being sung to. He had to wait through his dad's birthday, his sister's birthday, and then my birthday before it got to his. He kept saying it was his birthday and he needed to be sung to. It was about the cutest thing ever. He loves having everyone's attention.

Dax loves playtime. He enjoys Legos, cars, swords, toy guns, balls, and action figures. Dax really likes to dump out all his toys and then laugh. I just don't get it. He loves to play pretend. He pretends to be a shop keeper and sell things. He pretends to cook and eat and serve food. He pretends he is a superhero and a ninja, jumping and pretend flying all over the place. He insists on going to the park every single day. His favorite part is the baby swings.

When Wen is home, Dax can be found somewhere near his daddy. He loves to climb all over him like a jungle gym, wrestle him like crazy, and watch cartoons together. They go on trips to the store alone where Dax always gets a small candy treat. He walks around asking for daddy when he is at work.

I just love that little dimple! Dax says, "I'm boss." He really likes it when people listen to him and follow his requests. Of course. His laugh is so adorable.

Ainzley and Dax love to put on face paint, read together, and they often play fight together. Dax loves snuggling Ainzley and sitting with her while she plays on her IPad. Dax likes to snuggle her and watch movies with her. He loves to play pretend and ride scooters with her as well. 

Anything Chaz can do, Dax can, too. It cracks me up to watch him mimic his big brother so much. He really thinks Chaz is a big deal! Chaz often wrestles Dax, throws him in the air, and snuggles him. Dax often looks for his Chaz. Chaz comes home from school and immediately yells for Dax to come hug him. They have a special bond. They like to go on walks together and exercise together.

Brijet and Dax play piggy back rides and doggy together. It is so amusing to watch. Jet gets down on her hands and knees and pretends to be an animal, dog or cat, whatever. Dax gets a snack and feeds his "dog" and Jet makes a fort using couch cushions, chairs, blankets, etc., for the "dog" to live in. She is also the one who cuts his fingernails and he loves it for some reason.

Dax is a character full of craziness. He recently started sitting down, holding his hands up, and saying "oooohhhm" to calm himself. He just does this in the middle of whatever we are doing.
Dax sure loves his mama. He had his last bit of nursing milkies as he fell asleep on his third birthday. He loves to be touching my skin as he drifts off to sleep and reaches for me at night. He likes to help me cook and do a bit of cleaning. He really likes when I take him to the park the best.

Dax isn't interested in learning his shapes, colors, alphabet, or numbers. I work it into our days when I can. He loves the number 3 for some reason. His answer for most things is "free" (3). He did learn the stop lights and could be found saying "red stop" and "green go" for the longest time. He even made it into a game with the kids on their scooters. If the kids have friends over, Dax claims them as his friends and insists they play with him. He gets so upset when his siblings leave him for the day for school or play. He is happiest when his family is all together either in the house or out enjoying a family fun day. He is very vocal about what he wants even with his delayed speech. He is still avoiding a few foods due to allergies/intolerances but we have successfully introduced 3 of his suspected foods into his diet and he has done well! I am so happy for my little man.
I just love this toddler/preschool age. It is such a fun, crazy age. Dax is making me smile daily.
Happy Birthday my sweet Dax. I love being your mama.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ainz Rocks 8!

I can't get enough of that lovely smile. My sweet Ainz is growing up so fast. She turned 8 this month and was so excited. She asked about her birthday for months beforehand. She could barely sleep the night before and kept reminding us about her birthday! LOL

I love her enthusiasm! This shirt fits my Ainzley so very well. She is into the glamour, makeup, dressing up, and taking pictures. :) Maybe she got that last part from me.
I love watching her creative side when she works on her art. She convinced daddy to get her some glitter and went crazy! Glitter is all over my house! Haha. Perks of having a sweet girl.
We don't do big parties anymore so Ainzley was able to pick just a few friends to come over, sing, eat ice cream (she doesn't like cake), and play around. They did some art stuff and ran around like crazy.

Ainzley has such a sweet side. She works hard to comfort her baby brother and help him out even though he is pretty rotten to her. She loves to snuggle and offers to help out around the house.

I love seeing her so happy. She loved the rides at the Fall Fest here in town. Hearing her giggle is one of the best things ever. I love finding out what makes her happy and getting to know her personality as she grows and changes. It really is a blast to watch her grow. 

I love that she will pose for pics for me when I have a cute idea for a snapshot.

I'm pretty sure she is part monkey. No fear. Climbs to the top of whatever is around.

This kid loves gymnastics. She is really natural at it. She teaches herself from watching videos as we cannot afford to get her into gymnastics. We found a gymnastics place that allows a free play once a week so we went to try it out. She loved being able to use all the equipment.
Ainzley, of course, climbed on everything and jumped off everything.

I think she liked the trampoline a ton!

My sweet Ainz is 8. IT just seems so crazy to me. I close my eyes and picture her tiny 2-year-old self clinging to my shirt, hanging out my sling. I am so blessed to be her mama.
Happy 8th Birthday my sweet Ainzley.