
Saturday, August 16, 2014

It was a perfect picture I dare not snap

There he was, naked, sprawled across my steps right by the front door, light spilling in through the big windows, smile upon his face.

True perfection. 

My baby boy:  21 months, nonverbal, testing limits, learning to undress and use the potty, chatting with me using a mix of nods, sounds, and sign language.

Oh, the beauty was just pouring out of him.  His skin is so very perfect.  He laid there so sweetly, so innocent, so full of curiosity.

He was not ashamed of his body. He was not trying to hide.

He was just there. Just proud that he had gotten his clothes and diaper off alone. Just happy to be free of confining clothing.

It honestly was a picture perfect moment, the lighting, his smile, his joy, his perfect soft baby skin.

But, we all know that can't happen in today's world. And I am saddened.

I can't take a perfect picture of my sweet toddler laying naked on my steps because someone somewhere could see them and use them as child porn. And that just plain sucks.