
Monday, November 7, 2016

#DaringDax is Finally Four!

#DaringDax lives up to his nickname. He is constantly running, climbing, and wrestling.

Dax loves playing at the park and bringing toys. Finding friends at the park makes him happier.

Dax loves playing with big sister Ainzley. She is so sweet to him. She reads to him and they like to snuggle together. She pretends to be his mother and he pretends to be the baby.  

Dax prefers wearing as few articles of clothing as is allowed at all times.

I love watching his imagination. He loves playing with superheroes and cars.

I love his poses! He loves showing off his muscles!

Playing with friends is absolutely one of his favorite things to do.

Big sister Brijet is good at planning activities for Dax and his friends. She put together a laser maze with scarves for Dax and his friends to play.

Dax had a birthday party with friends for the first time ever. He was thrilled to have his friends sing to him and play games with him!

Dax loves when we have family days out. He enjoys being able to run around and try new things.

Jumping on anything makes Dax so happy.

SpiderDax had a blast trick or treating. He was old enough to understand what was going on and it was so fun to watch him take it all in. He was well aware of his food allergies this year. He refused to let anything unsafe touch his bucket so it made for an interesting few days of collecting candy.

Watching Dax and his cousin Micah play together is truly fun!

Dax got to spend the week after his birthday at several trunk or treat events with different friends. He was absolutely thrilled. He loved all the games so much.

I just love snapping pics of this sweet boy. He is just so funny!

Can't get enough of his poses!
Dax says he needs to hug his nana so tight and loves hanging out with his aunt Jenn!

Dax chose the big pumpkin. He was able to help cut it a bit this year and scoop the seeds out.

Watching the three little kids play together is so fun! I love watching them connect.
Big brother Chaz is so busy with school and work but as soon as Dax sees him he tackles him and begs to wrestle. They play and scream at each other and beat each other up. Dax teases Chaz like crazy about his girlfriend. I love watching their relationship grow.

Dax is in preschool this year. He absolutely loves it. He has made a ton of friends. He is learning so much and his speech is improving so much.

Dax was not quite a fan of trick or treating this year. He loved the trunk or treat events that offered games and most of them had safe candy. Trick or treating was a bit harder. There was a longer walk between houses and most houses only offered chocolate, very unsafe for him. He was upset and felt left out and didn't quite understand it all. It was heartbreaking to watch him and we learned we have to figure out his allergy situation better before the next event involving candy.

Dax absolutely loves his daddy. He tries to jump on him to wake him and begs him not to go to work. He expects daddy to help pick him up from preschool. He wants him to wrestle a lot and he prefers daddy to push him on the swings.

My Dax sure loves his candy and safe snacks. He loves the gluten free pretzels and meat sticks.

Dax still needs to lay beside his mama to sleep. He likes to sit behind me in my chair while I work.
It is so amazing to watch this little guy grow and learn. I am so happy we got to celebrate him turning 4. I love hearing him tell his stories and sing songs. Dax is a happy, playful, crazy little man.
I'm so glad I get to be his mama. Happy Birthday #DaringDax!

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