
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Food Sensitivies and Homemade Goodies

My little nursling, Dax, was born with tummy issues. It took a bit to realize that he must be reacting to the food I eat. We saw the GI specialist and determined we would cut dairy, eggs, soy, and nuts from my diet to see how he does.  I can start adding things back to my diet to determine what he is truly reacting to. I know for sure he reacts to milk but the others still have to be tested.
I am not a cook from scratch kind of girl. I had no idea how I would even pull this off. The doc offered us some very expensive, prescription formula to try so we took it home to discuss our options.
I love nursing. I nursed all three of my other children. Nursing comes very naturally to me. Making a bottle does not. Making a bottle is hard. After doing more research on our end and discussing things out, we decided nursing was the best option for us and that I should learn quickly to modify my diet.
It was hard. Oh so hard. I love milk. I love milk products. I love cheese. I love easily attainable food and not thinking about what I am eating. It is bad. I know. But, I love my baby and his health way more. So, I learned to cook a few things and I learned to like a few different things.
Honestly, I could use a good dose of more healthy food anyway.
I love muffins. I was hungry for some but could not find any that was free of dairy, eggs, soy, or nuts. Then I found this delicious Whole Wheat Muffin Recipe and I immediately loved it. I have made quite a few batches. I added ground flaxseed in place of eggs. I have made banana muffins, blueberry and strawberry muffins, blueberry and banana muffins. I usually end up eating them all myself because my kids have not yet come on board with me! Oh well, small steps. I love the whole 100 Days Of Real Food Blog and find it inspiring!

I wanted some bread. The bread we buy has milk in it. :( I wanted whole wheat to be a bit healthier so I searched around for a bread recipe I liked and that looked simple enough. The first batch I made turned out so crumbly and ugly yet tasty enough. Plus, I cut it into huge chunks! They were seriously not sliced small enough at all. My husband joked that I made tiny little loafs of bread instead of slices.

My husband helped me with the next batch (since Dax rarely ever gets put down, we tend to tag team things taking turns holding him). This batch turned out much better. It was smooth and not too crumbly. I managed to slice it smaller, but still not small enough. The Whole Wheat Bread Recipe I found made enough for two loaves so I froze one loaf.
This bread is so yummy! I eat toast with (dairy free, egg free, soy free, nut free) butter and jam or honey for breakfast with my yummy old fashioned cinnamon and sugar oatmeal.
I usually cannot make something without looking at the recipe for every step. I am so afraid of messing things up! But I surprised myself today by making homemade bread crumbs. I know, laugh at me a bit. I was seriously scared to try it and mess it up! I used my homemade bread, toasted it, chopped it up, and added seasoning. It did the job just fine.
It is the little things in life that boost my little self esteem and help me out. I appreciate them so much. I have learned a few more recipes that I love and Wen has been cooking up a storm of yummy safe meals that I am literally moaning with glee as I eat! The man can cook.

1 comment:

  1. I need to come spend a few days with you and learn how to cook all this healthy stuff.
