
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Parenting a Toddler With Food Allergies/Intolerances is...

*Reading every label

and then reading it again.

*Using 2 knives for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and toast with butter and jam

because the jam has to stay safe.

*Hiding unsafe foods for the older kids

because the toddler likes to sneak food.

*Preparing several meals at once to keep all happy

and labeling the safe one for the toddler.

*Extra prep and anxiety for any party or get together

because you have to bring safe food and dessert so the toddler can feel included.

*Chasing a toddler around and never letting him out of your site at gatherings with food

because someone will eventually set something unsafe down and your toddler will get try to eat it and be ill.

*Watching for signs of reaction with breath held

because you aren't sure if he actually ate that unsafe food.

*Carrying around medicine/Benadryl/EpiPen and having an action plan

because he could react at any time, anywhere.

*Educating every person who will be with your toddler

so you can have another set of eyes and hands if needed.

*Taking up a ton of your time to research recipes and safe foods

because avoiding 7 foods makes cooking a little difficult.

*Calling restaurants or scouring the online menus

to try to find a safe place for family outings.

*Packing safe food for even short trips around the city

because you are not positive there will be a safe restaurant close by in case you do not get home in time for the meal.

*Planning playdates around food

to be sure the toddler can have safe foods and happily play.

*Questioning every tummy ache and vomit

because that could be a reaction to a food.

*In my thoughts all the time, every day

because food is everywhere and all the time.

*Scouring the health food section at the stores or finding specialty store

because you need unique things like millet flour, coconut milk, psyllium husk, nutritional yeast, and tapioca starch to make safe, tasty foods.

*Learning how to substitute ingredients in recipes

because finding a recipe that excludes all your child's allergens is hard but you still want to make yummy foods for them.

*Sometimes lonely.

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