
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Tiny Sliver of My Life: Mom of a Toddler

It was nap time.

What mama doesn't love sweet nap time?

I would love it if Dax could nurse, fall asleep, and then I could get stuff done; but, that is not the case with us. He pretty much needs me beside him to sleep and I actually need a nap to get through the day.

I am 31 and need a nap to get through my day and work my evening shift. I feel old.

Dax doesn't sleep well at night either so I snap the zzzzzz when I can.

We fell asleep well and were enjoying a peaceful slumber. I got up to pee in the middle of the nap. He woke to tell me he did not approve of me leaving his side.

I rushed into the bathroom to try and hurry. Then I smelled the most horrible poopy smell.

My mind went through the events of the morning. No one else was here. It didn't smell this bad when I had my shower and got dressed. No one had been there in between.

Then I remembered something horrible. Something I am almost positive all toddlers go through.

My son was running around the house naked, again.

I thought I was keeping a close eye on him but he must have escaped me.

My eyes darted around the room to find the culprit while Dax fussed for me and I was aching for my warm bed again.

My eyes focused on the tub. There is was, a steamy pile of pooped baking in the sun that shines in from our huge window. The sun did a nice job of intensifying the smell for me! :)

Rushed to clean it up and get back to bed to snuggle Dax back to sleep.

There you go, a little slice of my life as a mom of a toddler.

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