
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Missouri Scholars Academy with Chaz

Having a teenager is seriously amazing. 
My Chaz is smart, kind, responsible, and seriously funny. He makes me laugh daily. He retains information so easily and spouts it out with such fluency. I am amazed by this boy of mine.
{I am gong to keep this post focused on the positive; but, please don't think it is always rainbows and unicorns over here. We still have our moments that aren't so positive.}
Chaz has been in the gifted program at school since he was in second grade. He is really smart. We learned early that he was competitive when it came to academics and he needed extra challenges in school to keep him focused. It is just the way he is wired. He is smart beyond his years. He works hard to keep his grades up and maintain a social life.
While in the 10th grade, Chaz took the PSAT test at school. When he got the results back, we were informed that the Missouri Scholars Academy liked his scores and wanted him to apply to join the MSA camp. MSA chooses hundreds of sophomores in Missouri who have the best test scores and invites them to camp. The students then compete to get in as only 330 of the best can attend camp. Chaz had to write 2 essays and then take an IQ score to qualify for the camp after having exceptional PSAT scores.  This is a serious camp.  
He was thrilled when he learned he made it into the camp. The MSA camp is hosted at University of Missouri.  The 330 bright teens of MO get to stay on the college campus in dorms and attend a major and minor class a day for 3 weeks. There are several extra activities packed into the evenings and weekends to keep the kids occupied, interested, challenged, and push them to think outside the box. Thankfully the camp was free this year and Chaz was able to attend.
Chaz was eager for his time away but knew he would miss everyone. My dad and I drove him the 2 hours to the college to drop him off. It was really weird not having him home for 3 weeks!
Chaz truly deserves this.
He saw friends from school there who were invited to attend this year and who were just at the camp helping because they had gone previous years. He already knew a little about the camp from chatting with others who had gone and was eager to get started there.
The kids stayed at the Mark Twain hall. The schedule was packed and set.
Chaz had a key card to get into his dorm room. He was so excited to see his name on the door.
The bed is so tiny!
He had his own little desk and tiny closet area.
Is this what sending my baby off to college will be like in a couple years?
We had lunch in the Mark Twain hall cafeteria. It was lovely! The food was delicious and the staff was so kind to everyone there.
 They ate at The Mark inside Mark Twain for each meal. When I went to drop him off, I talked to one of the chefs in the cafeteria. Adele was working so hard and I thanked her for her hard work. Chaz later told me that she really appreciated it and chatted with him throughout the camp.
The MSA staff held a little ceremony to invite the kids in and answer questions for the parents.

We got to hear fun stories of previous campers as this has been offered since 1985! I had no idea it even existed. The people who have attended this camp say it seriously changed their lives. Most went on to help in the camp in some way as a camp leader, teacher, staff helper, dorm RA, etc.
When the kids walked in, I felt so much emotion. These kids, these 330 teenagers, worked so hard to get here. They came from all areas of Missouri. They are the brightest of the bright here in MO.  I was blessed to be in the same room as them.  They definitely needed a summer camp to relax, enjoy themselves, and meet other people with like interests.

My Chaz is part of an amazing set of teens this year.
My dad was very happy to be part of this extordinary event with Chaz.

Chaz was eager to get camp started. I was a little sad to be leaving him there!
The campus is just gorgeous! I am so thankful for the hard work these kind people put into this camp. Chaz texted me to say he wanted to stay forever. He loved it so very much.
MSA was truly a life changing experience for my Chaz. 

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