My sweet baby Brijet is super excited to be 10 years old!

{Brijet 4 days new}
We were so excited to have a baby girl. I made sure we had a lot of pink clothes, pink diaper bag, pink carseat, pink stroller. I was loving the pink vibe. LOL She was my second child, first girl. Brijet was such a sweet baby. She nursed a lot and enjoyed being held by the whole family.
{Brijet 5 months old}
Brijet was happy to be able to roll over and crawl around on her own. She loved the freedom and got into everything. Her hair stuck straight up most of the time and made us laugh. I loved her giggle.
{Brijet 1 year old}
All of us loved on Brijet. She followed big brother around everywhere. She loved wearing dresses and swinging. She became a big sister at 16 months old and took her big sis job seriously.
{Brijet 2 years old}
Brijet and her little sister lived in princess dress-up dresses when they were little. It was the cutest thing. Brijet loved to turn on the music and dance away while wearing her little dress.
{Brijet 3 years old}
Fashionista is a good word to describe my Brijet. She has loved clothes and accessories since she was pretty small. She loved being all pinked out, pink everything. She would help dress her sister in some cute fashionable outfits. She loved all things girly.
{Brijet 4 years old}
Brijet taught herself to swim around 4 or so. She was determined to learn. She loved art and would draw, color, paint whenever she could. She just loved creating.
{Brijet 5 years old}
Brijet taught herself to ride a bike around 5. She would put her mind to something and not stop until she achieved her goal. She was so excited for kindergarten and loved to learn.
{Brijet 6 years old}
Brijet wrote the most adorable stories. She knew author names and read books all the time. She has wanted to be an author/illustrator for some time now. I remember being at a park once when she was about 5 or 6. Another mom was chatting with Brijet (as Jet talked to everyone) and Brijet mentioned a book by a certain author. That mom's jaw dropped and then she smiled so big.
{Brijet 7 years old}
Brijet took being a big sis seriously again. She was holding her baby brother like a pro and making him giggle like crazy. She pretends to be a dog to appease him and gives him piggy back rides.
{Brijet 8 years old}
Brijet is all about them friendships. She is a party planner. She loves to invite people over and plan the activities. She often asks to throw random events just to invite people over. She and Ainzley once planned a valentine party and invited some friends over. I only had to listen to their plans and help buy supplies or set up. Other than that, my job is to keep Dax away from them.
{Brijet 9 years old}
Brijet really loves make up and watches make up tutorials online. She loves to go shopping and find new clothes for herself. She makes these adorable videos and shows her creative side.
{Brijet 10 years old}
Brijet likes to roller blade now, with a helmet of course. She is interested in safety and does a good job helping others remember to be safe as well. She is also good about brushing her teeth and reminding others to do the same. She is so smart and kind. She often helps out extra around the house when needed. She loves to tease Chaz about various things but she adores him.
We struggled getting her asthma and allergies under control for a bit but she is on daily medication now and doing a lot better. She feels so much better now. She is such a sweet girl and I am so blessed to be her mama. She has such a pretty smile and still has that fashionista sense!
We struggled getting her asthma and allergies under control for a bit but she is on daily medication now and doing a lot better. She feels so much better now. She is such a sweet girl and I am so blessed to be her mama. She has such a pretty smile and still has that fashionista sense!
Happy 10th birthday to my sweet Brijet Caiwen. You are so loved.
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