Fifteen years ago changed my life forever. We became a family of 3, the beginning of my journey as a parent. I can remember that powerful feeling of pure love the moment I held my sweet baby Chaz.
Wen and I carefully chose a name and discussed newborn care. We had ideas of what parenthood would bring us, what this tiny being placed in our arms would need, but parenting teaches you so much. Everything isn't in the parenting books and, although parenting advice flows freely, things still came as a surprise and fell under the 'no one ever tells you' category of parenting.
Dear Chaz,
This front row seat to watch your journey through life has been one of the best parts of my life. Seriously. I eagerly watch with anticipation for the next act or chapter yet hold tight to the last image. It isn't easy to watch you grow and become your own person because you will always be my baby.
You are so loved. You have been loved on from day 1. You were the first grandchild of the families. Oh you so loved the attention.

Your aunts and uncles adored you. You learned a lot from each and every one.

You loved playing outside and going for walks. You started asking questions as soon as you could talk and never stopped. You never followed the crowd, always opted for your own ideas.
You learned everything so quickly and then were eager to learn more. Reading became a passion, it seems, and you just kept reaching for more.
I have loved watching you grow and change over the years. You have a great sense of humor and make me laugh daily. I love that you question and research everything.
I cannot believe you will be a full fledged adult in just 3 years. I remember watching you grow yet wonder where the time even went. I am so thankful that I was chosen as your mama. I look back and wonder how we got so lucky. You are truly one amazing young man.
I really look forward to watching you change through these high school years. I am eager to see where life takes you; yet, I want to hold you tight and savor these times together.
Happy, happy birthday.
I love you so very much, my son.
Love, Mummzy.
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