My sister and her son, Micah. My Grammy and Papa. My 3 littles and myself.
We took a trip out to see Grammy at the nursing home. It is a bit over an hour away! Dax (thankfully) was happily chatting most of the way and the girls did okay in the car. (My kids truly dislike car rides and usually have no problem letting me know.)
We met my sister there and enjoyed a nice visit. It was so neat to hear more stories about her life. Life was just so different back when she was younger. The way they lived, spoke, everything. Hearing her stories just makes me smile.
I had to chase Dax a ton. He wanted to explore and was really loud! Thankfully no one fussed at us and most just smiled and waved at him.
I had surprised Grammy by showing up and her face was priceless as I walked in. Grammy and Papa have been together about 53 years and still love to hold hands. They are pretty funny together. I am very happy I have a chance to visit her!
Everyone hugged and kissed on Grammy (I think it is her favorite part) and we got a few pics. I love this top one. Grammy is so excited for Dax to come kiss her. He has never let her kiss him before but he is in a copycat {copies everything everyone ever does all the time} mood and decided to follow Micah's lead. She was thrilled to kiss on him and he happily hugged and kissed her back!