
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Snow Fun

I love when I capture a great picture of my kids. It just makes my heart smile a bit. These four little beings bring my life so much joy and laughter. I am honestly blessed to be their mom.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I Love Halloween!

I love Halloween!
I love watching my kids choose costumes and plan their outfits.
I love the carnival games at the fall festivities.
I love the food.
I love the simplicity of the holiday, not much expectation.
I love the fall colors as the leaves change and fall.
I love the crunch of leaves under my feet.
I love watching my children take in the season again with new wonder and new comprehension of what is happening. Everything is new each season.
To watch something through a child's eyes just brings extra details out for me.
And I enjoy it so very much.
I love watching my older kids teach their younger siblings and younger cousin new details of the season and holiday.
I love getting to run into other neighbors and see the happy smiles as candy is handed out.
I even love the candy sugar high that the kids get when I let them eat whatever.
I love seeing all the decorations and watching my toddler take it all in. Seeing the look in his eyes as he focuses on all this new stuff and tries to understand is just amazing.
I love watching everyone show off their creativity.
I just love Halloween.
I am especially excited because my husband actually gets to Trick or Treat with us next year for the first time in forever and we can celebrate as a family!
I think I need ideas for a family of 6 costume set! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Tiny Sliver of My Life: Mom of a Toddler

It was nap time.

What mama doesn't love sweet nap time?

I would love it if Dax could nurse, fall asleep, and then I could get stuff done; but, that is not the case with us. He pretty much needs me beside him to sleep and I actually need a nap to get through the day.

I am 31 and need a nap to get through my day and work my evening shift. I feel old.

Dax doesn't sleep well at night either so I snap the zzzzzz when I can.

We fell asleep well and were enjoying a peaceful slumber. I got up to pee in the middle of the nap. He woke to tell me he did not approve of me leaving his side.

I rushed into the bathroom to try and hurry. Then I smelled the most horrible poopy smell.

My mind went through the events of the morning. No one else was here. It didn't smell this bad when I had my shower and got dressed. No one had been there in between.

Then I remembered something horrible. Something I am almost positive all toddlers go through.

My son was running around the house naked, again.

I thought I was keeping a close eye on him but he must have escaped me.

My eyes darted around the room to find the culprit while Dax fussed for me and I was aching for my warm bed again.

My eyes focused on the tub. There is was, a steamy pile of pooped baking in the sun that shines in from our huge window. The sun did a nice job of intensifying the smell for me! :)

Rushed to clean it up and get back to bed to snuggle Dax back to sleep.

There you go, a little slice of my life as a mom of a toddler.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Daring Dax ~ Take 2!

I can barely remember Dax being so tiny, so calm, so sweetly wrapped in a blanket and nestled perfectly in the crook of my arm. He lived in his Moby Wrap, snuggled right up to my chest.

He went and grew up a bit on me, learned to walk, got loud, and climbed onto everything.  He still spent much of his time nestled close to me. He makes everyone smile.
Daring Dax turned 2 this weeked. He is so tall! He signs a few words and communicates the rest by grand, animated gestures. Cracks me up! He thoroughly enjoyed a gluten-free, soy-free, vegan cupcake from a local vegan bakery. He was loved on for his birthday by his family and could not understand why we were singing to him and not letting him touch his cupcake! He still spends much of his time nestled on my lap, nursing, and mostly just hanging with me. He has this amazing evil laugh that he pulls out at random times making me fall over in a fit of laughter. He can mock just about anything you do and his look of pride on his face makes me smile.
Happy happy 2nd birthday my Daring Dax!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Seven Sweet Years of Ainzley

My sweet Ainz. That is what I call her around here. She is full of pure sweetness. She turned 7 and grew up a bit on me. Watching her grow and learn has been such a blessing.
Ainzley surprised us just 16 months after her big sister joined us. She brought us such joy from the start. She fit right in to the family and snuggled into my baby sling where she pretty much lived. She decided I was the best and the only person who could comfort her from the beginning. We developed quite the bond.

Ainzley was never big on people in her space. She preferred tucking her face into her mama and saving her cuteness for close loved ones. She tolerated a small party for her 1st birthday where we made her own cake. Sweet girl took forever to grow that hair!

For her second birthday, she requested a "Jump" party! I kid you not. I had no idea what I was doing but she knew what she wanted! We made a cute cake to look like a trampoline and put a Barbie on it. She played with Barbies all the time that year. She had a party at home with lovely neighbor friends and loved ones. She had to step out of her comfort zone a bit but loved it.

My lovely cousin was trying her hand at neat cake design and offered to make Ainz a cake for her 3rd birthday party. This was the castle Ainzley requested and loved. She was so shy at her party but how she loved playing with friends.

Ainzley loves her big sis, Brijet. Seriously, they have this magical bond that is just grand. Brijet's bday is in May and Ainzley's bday is in September. They requested to have a joint party that year so I planned a huge park party in the middle of their birthdays - July in the Midwest. Can you see the sweat pouring from everyone's faces? Haha. My talented cousin once again asked the girls what they wanted and presented them with this lovely rainbow butterfly cake that they just adored.

Ainzley turned 5 and was so happy to be so big! Haha. This was a little shy of a month before we welcomed her baby brother to the home. She had been the baby of the family up until then. She made her own little cake and loved being sung to this year. She used to tell me that she was never, ever going to school because she needed to be home with me all day.

When Ainzley turned 6, we were in our new house. She had made some new friends and we did a tiny playdate at a kid play place and then did cake at home with family. She asks constantly for a couple months before her birthday for a countdown to the day. She gets so excited!
This year, my sweet girl turned 7. She chose a few friends to come celebrate with her and 2 of them got to sleep over. The giggles and whispers were so fun to hear.
Happy birthday to my sweet Ainz. I truly love watching you grow and being able to celebrate with you. You bring such joy to life!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Shadow of a Swaying Mama

Swaying in the dark, holding my wiggly toddler, silent, I focused on the shadow of me swaying across his bedroom wall and held him tight.

It was such a lovely image. I could see the shadow of his tiny feet poking under my arm. I could see my arms wrapped around his little body. I imagined this shadow of love painted on the wall, a permanent reminder of this time that will fade.

I imagined other mamas doing this exact act of love and kindness.  I smiled as I remembered the bedtime cuddles with my older three kids. I watched his body move in the moonlight with each breath and felt thankful that this tiny being calls me mama.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

It was a perfect picture I dare not snap

There he was, naked, sprawled across my steps right by the front door, light spilling in through the big windows, smile upon his face.

True perfection. 

My baby boy:  21 months, nonverbal, testing limits, learning to undress and use the potty, chatting with me using a mix of nods, sounds, and sign language.

Oh, the beauty was just pouring out of him.  His skin is so very perfect.  He laid there so sweetly, so innocent, so full of curiosity.

He was not ashamed of his body. He was not trying to hide.

He was just there. Just proud that he had gotten his clothes and diaper off alone. Just happy to be free of confining clothing.

It honestly was a picture perfect moment, the lighting, his smile, his joy, his perfect soft baby skin.

But, we all know that can't happen in today's world. And I am saddened.

I can't take a perfect picture of my sweet toddler laying naked on my steps because someone somewhere could see them and use them as child porn. And that just plain sucks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Why Did I Doubt Myself - Gluten Free (on top of dairy, soy, egg, nut, beef, and bean free)

I always included fruits and veggies into my diet but I honestly ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. That included sweets, fatty greasy foods, fast foods, etc. I met friends who said they ate more clean, more cooking from scratch, less eating out. I always said I could never, ever do that!

Well here I am. Doing that.

My baby boy was very upset right after he was born. He was miserable, crying constantly, popping on and off the breast, acting in pain, arching his back. The doctors first said it was just reflux disease and put him on meds. Didn't help. He was miserable.

I did my own research and found his symptoms were similar to those babies with food allergies. I sought the advice of a GI specialist, got x-rays on his distended tummy, and we concluded that he was most likely reacting to a myriad of foods. He said I should eliminate dairy, beef, eggs, nuts, and soy from my diet if I wanted to keep nursing him. On second though, the doctor said, you won't be able to do that at all so just take his $30 a can formula, here is a script for more, and put him on that.

I was so upset. I had nursed all 3 of my other kids just fine. I was upset that the doctor doubted me so much. I went home and pouted a bit while stewing about what to do.

I decided I needed to do what was best for my baby or at least give it my very best effort. I cut it all from my diet. It takes weeks to make sure dairy, especially, is out of your diet. It is hidden in so many things! My baby started acting happier and healthier. We later learned he was reacting to beans so we cut that as well.

It was hard. My family kept eating what they wanted. I was the main cook so I would serve mostly what I could have and then offer other things to keep them happy. Eating out was hard but doable. If I ever thought about the foods I missed, I would just imagine my sweet baby in so much pain and the craving would disappear.

We felt like he was still reacting to something. We kept careful watch of him and his symptoms. We sought more GI and allergist help, with no help. I did more research and found that maybe he and I both were reacting to gluten. I was so scared to cut that as well. I figured my husband would not be happy with me eliminating yet one more thing and making it harder to cook. I thought about it for a while, did research, and then mentioned it in passing to the hubby.

He quickly got on board! I was so shocked. He decided to cut gluten with me. We have been gluten free for 16 days now. I definitely noticed a change in both my baby and me after only a week. My hubby noticed a change after about 2 weeks. The kids gave it a half try and decided that completely gluten free was not for them! Haha.

I do not miss it. I am currently only avoiding all things gluten and have not found any replacements yet. I really want to try a gluten free vegan chocolate chip cookie! It has limited our ability to go out to eat so much which is great for our health and wallet. I eat a lot of the same things over and over but that is okay. I feel so much better and my baby doesn't scream as much. I think he may be sleeping a bit better too! I am so mad at myself for waiting so long to try this out of fear! I am doing it. I am changing my health in ways I never thought I could.

The doctors are confident that my baby will outgrow his allergies as they think his reactions are simply GI related and not anaphylactic. They suggest letting him taste the culprit foods and see how he does.  However, I am not ready to let him taste test any allergy suspected food as he is pretty nonverbal.  We will see what the future holds.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Oh My, Lego Fun For All Ages!

My children are 1, 6, 8, and 14.
As you can imagine, it is hard to find something that we can all do together that every kid will enjoy.
Enter the Legos. Dax loves when his sisters make him Lego swords to play with.

The girls invite him in their game and his face lights up.

He likes to come down in the mornings and knock over whatever was built before.

Ainzley had a blast making her little robot. She likes to match colors.
Chaz has loved Legos since he was little.
We had a Lego table for him when he was smaller but it got worn out and had to be thrown away. I really miss that table.  He spent hours with his Legos and Lego table.

It has been so fun to watch the creations and hear the stories that go along. There are always background stories to go with the Lego structures Chaz builds.

Brijet is full of creativity. This Lego structure was inspired by robots.

It is fun to hear giggles and stories coming from the other room and peak in to find all four of your babies playing happily together while you get the back door fixed.

Dax loves when his big siblings are playing beside him.

Brijet and Ainzley come up with some unique and symmetric designs.
I really need to invest in more Legos so we have enough for all four to play happily!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Eight years of my sassy Jet

Brijet turns 8 today.  My sweet little princess brings so much joy to my life. She has always been in love with all things pink and princess. She had art in her heart from the start. She really knows how to be bold and stand for what she believes. She is an amazing big sister, no doubt. 

We had a joint party for Jet and Chaz when she turned 1 as their birthdays are super close. She didn't mind one bit. She loved the attention and it was her first taste of cake! 

We had a joint party with Chaz for her second birthday too. We had water play and tons of friends. Brijet loved it all so much. 

For her third birthday, it was princess and art all the way. 

For her fourth birthday, Brinet helped make her own cake and laughed so much with all her friends.

For her fifth birthday, Brijet wanted a party with her sissie, whose birthday is in September. We had a July party in the park. It was so hot and humid! Brijet loved every bit! The cake was custom made by cousin Liz after careful instruction from A and B!

Brijet celebrated 5 with school friends at a local park. Aunt B made a special shirt and Brijet giggled so much with all her friends! 

Seven was toned down. We did a little special activity but no party. She loved playing with the balloons! I'm positive there was cake somewhere! 

Eight. How can my sweet little girl be 8? I know I have been in the throws of parenthood, dinners, school stuff, nursing the ill, but it still seems as if the time just flew by. Brijet will have a friend sleep over tonight to celebrate turning 8. She has plans and loves being in charge. We had cake a week early so loved ones could sing to her. She loves to be sung to! Haha 

I love you my sweet Jet! Happy birthday!! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Big 3 with Micah Cree

My sweet nephew is 3.

I so love remembering my sister's stories of the kind of mother she would be.  

She had all these plans but her little man came in and set a path all his own. 

This dinosaur loving little man so enjoyed his day of fun. He has so much fun with friends and family.

Micah loved climbing the tree. He told me stories of the spiders who lived in the tree. 

I loved how all these tiny little things just sat around the table so patiently while we sang to the birthday boy. 

For a little walk down memory lane, here is

Micah as a newborn. 

Micah at his 1st birthday party.

Micah at his 2nd birthday party. 

The boy does not like to sit still or have his picture taken! LOL 

It has been so fun to watch him grown and learn and to watch my sister as a mom.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy 14th Birthday

My sweet, kind, amazing oldest child is 14. I keep watching him in amazement. How did he grow so fast? How was I chosen to raise this old soul? How did I get so blessed to be his mama?
Chaz's 1st birthday was held at a park. We had tons of family there. He was the one and only grandchild so he was very much the center of many people's attention.

Chaz's 2nd birthday party was held at my mom's house. He so loved Buzz Lightyear that year. Everything he owned was Buzz!

Chaz's 3rd birthday was held at a park. He had some great preschool friends attend. He was into soccer that year.

Chaz's 4th birthday was held at my mom's house again. We made his cake and he had a blast with friends despite the swollen eye due to a stye. A friend brought his police motorcycle to show off.

Chaz's 5th birthday was held at my mom's house. He loved our homemade Crayola cake.

Chaz's 6th birthday was held at our house. He had some friends over for the fun!

Chaz's 7th birthday was held at our house but this year we only invited friends, no family. By then, I had Brijet and family making it out for 2 parties in one month was too much. He had a blast decorating his own cupcakes with friends.

Chaz's 8th birthday party was held at our house as a joint party with his baby sister. We had blow up pools in the front yard and a clown. It was fun and simple.

Chaz's 9th birthday party was held at our house with fun friends. He seems to have that same look every year we sing to him!

Chaz's 10th birthday was the last year we held a party for him. He is the only 1 of my 4 kids who had a party every year for the first 10 years. I just could not keep up after having so many kids! LOL

Chaz's 11th birthday was spent at our cousin's Elizabeth's house. She made him a little cake and we just sang to him. Small. Focused on him. Love shared.
Chaz's 12th birthday. He was already taller than his mama!

Chaz's 13th birthday. He just hung out and let me snap some pics!

Chaz's 14th birthday.  He requested a cheesecake so I made one.
It has been so fun to watch him grow through the years!
I cannot believe I am the mom of a 14 year old!